
The Bagamoyo Sculpture School was started in 1995 as a partnership between SVETAN and Chawasawata, a Tanzanian wood carvers association, as a local NGO partner. A Tanzanian school trust was created in 1999 to manage the daily activities of the school. Bagamoyo Sculpture School has worked with SVETAN and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) from 1995 through 2009.

During that time, more than 200 students have graduated from the school. Each student was exposed to various disciplines including wood carving, clay sculpting, painting, drawing, art history, and English language.

The school is currently restructuring its education program into a series of short term courses, rather than the previous 2-3 year diploma program. In addition, an international Arts Exchange program will offer the opportunity for students from outside Tanzania to come study in Bagamoyo. This will make it possible for local and global students to exchange ideas about art, culture, and education and to cooperate in creating traditional African artwork.